As a Region Ten Community Services Board employee, you will receive a benefits package that supplements your salary or hourly compensation. Region Ten Community Services Board contributes to medical coverage for all salaried and hourly with benefit employees. Qualifying dependent coverage is available. Employee contribution rates will based on coverage selected. The cost will be deducted monthly from your paycheck. You may also select to purchase dental, vision and life insurance. Flexible Spending Account options are available for qualifying medical expenses and/or child care.
Region Ten Community Services Board makes contributions to the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) for full time employees. Per state legislation, all VRS covered employees are also required to contribute to VRS. All salaried and hourly/with benefits employees may choose to participate in additional 457 retirement savings plans sponsored by outside companies through the use of payroll deductions.
All employees may utilize a confidential Employee Assistance Program. We are partnered with area gyms to provide discounted membership rates to our employees.
Region Ten Community Services Board provides employees with holiday, vacation, and sick leave.
Holiday Leave
Region Ten Community Service Board observes nine holidays. Three floating holidays are also awarded to qualifying employees active on January 1 each year . Holiday hours are pro-rated based on percentage time.
To learn more about our benefit package you can contact Human Resources at 972-1879.